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Affichage des articles du août, 2023

Cultivated meat

  The Future of Cultivated Meat: Why We Should All Be Paying Attention The world of food is changing rapidly, and one of the most exciting and potentially revolutionary developments is the emergence of cultivated meat. This type of meat has been created in laboratories and is made from animal cells, rather than being produced by the traditional methods of raising and slaughtering livestock. This new type of meat promises to revolutionize the way we produce and consume food, offering numerous environmental and health benefits. In this article, we will explore why cultivated meat is such an important development and why we should all be paying attention.What is Cultivated Meat?Cultivated meat, also known as “clean meat” or “lab-grown meat”, is a type of meat that is created using animal cells and tissue cultures, rather than being produced by traditional methods of raising and slaughtering livestock. The process of producing cultivated meat begins with the collection of animal cells, w